Curricular Kit Requests

Curricular Kit Requests

Curricular Kit Requests

Curricular Kit Requests

Curricular Kit Requests
Curricular Kit Requests

Curricular Kit Requests

Curricular kits comprise of books, artefacts, and posters which can be requested through our new booking app. These can be accessed through the app via our curricular library catalogue (CROPAC) here: Curricular library catalogue

Teachers, Early Years Practitioners, support staff in Schools, Home Educators can request a maximum of 4 kits, if requesting for a school it is a maximum of 10 Kits, due to capacity in deliveries to library locations. Kits can be borrowed throughout the year. Kits are issued for 12 weeks/term time (can be renewed for longer if not reserved by another school).

Parents that home school can email to request resources.

List of Curricular Kits

Please note: all collections and books can be returned to your local libraries, when you have finished with them.

Aberdeenshire Council Staff - Resources Request App

The kits are available to be collected or returned at any library location, depending on opening. Once you've been notified that your items are ready, you can drop pass and pick up during opening times.

If you have any other queries/questions about the Kits, please email or phone the Library Service on 01467 532929.

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