Story Sacks

Story Sacks

Story Sacks

Story Sacks

Story Sacks
Story Sacks

Story Sacks are fabric bags containing a picture book, fact book, and other resources relating to the story. For example, The Gingerbread Man Story Sack has the picture book, a recipe book, cookie cutters, a finger puppet, storymitt and velcro characters, card game, plus a guide for parents booklet, and some suggested activities on an activity card. The contents will vary depending on the storyline.

These Story Sacks are a great way to fire the imagination of young children, bringing stories to life, helping them with sequencing, expanding their vocabulary, and introducing them to creating their own stories by inventing different story endings, characters, etc.

Story Sacks can be borrowed by libraries, schools, teachers, playgroups, early years practitioners, Childminders and private nurseries, on their teacher, school, or group/pre school group borrower cards. The borrower type will determine the loan period: Schools for 12 weeks; all other borrowers for 4 weeks, but can be renewed if required. They are also available to any families that Home educate their children.

Browse our Story Sacks

Please note: all collections and books can be returned to your local libraries, when you have finished with them.

How to order

Once you have decided on which titles you wish to request, please contact us by one of the following methods to make your order.

Email us at:

Call us on 01467 532929

Aberdeenshire Council Staff - Resources Request App

The Story Sacks are available to be collected or returned at any library location, depending on opening. Once you've been notified that your items are ready, you can drop pass and pick up during opening times.

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