A reading group is a great way for people who enjoy reading to get together in a relaxed setting to talk about books. At group meetings you can exchange views and opinions on the book your group are reading, you will have an opportunity to try out new authors that you might not otherwise have considered, and generally share a love of reading with like-minded people.
Check out our Reading Groups Digital Display for information about our range of titles, hints and tips, and how Live Life Aberdeenshire Libraries support book groups.
The Library Service supports 108 book groups across Aberdeenshire, so whether you are part of an independent group or one of the many groups who meet in our libraries we have a vast selection of titles for you to choose from. Fill out the request form below if you are part of a reading group and wish to request your next title to read.
LLA Reading Group Request Form
Sets of books for reading groups are available to be collected from our libraries across Aberdeenshire. Below is a link to the list of titles with number of copies and then a separate list with a synopsis and number of pages for each title available.
Full list of reading group titles with number of copies
Full Synopsis of each reading group title
Once you've been notified that your books are ready you can collect from your local library.
We are always looking for feedback about our reading group collections or suggestions for other books to buy.
For any other enquiries please email librarieshq@aberdeenshire.gov.uk
This Map shows the spread of book groups across Aberdeenshire.
The map markers are the number of groups in each location, these can be private or library run, if you are interested in joining a local Reading Group please get in contact with your local library.
Remember that reading groups are not academic style literary discussions
They are not about the right and wrong interpretation of a book.
Only you know how you feel about a book, no one else can be an expert about your reading experience.
It is possible to have a poor experience with a “great” book and vice versa and it’s ok to give up and say you didn’t enjoy it.
It’s all about reading for pleasure and enjoyment and not what you think you should be reading!
Reading Groups can also try these handy Icebreaker Questions put together by The Reading Agency to help guide their book group discussions.