Volleyball is very much my life, it has given me a purpose, along with skills such as teamwork, problem solving, decision making, confidence, structure, commitment, and discipline and have met many new people and made lots of friends along the way.
I saw it on social media once and it was when I was just away to quit football. I was away to have no sport and I wanted to pick a new one. This interested me because I had never seen volleyball at a high level before. It seemed like a really fun, team game where you would meet lots of new people and have lots of fun. When I tried it I had a blast being apart of a team and enjoyed learning and playing the sport. As I started getting better at it, the more fun I started to have, and to this day I still only have more and more fun with the sport.
Volleyball Aberdeen.
Limited amount of training. When I first started volleyball I really wanted to play a lot more. However there was no more training sessions so my friends and I used to go to a park and practice everyday after school. I got a lot more better and more confident in the basics which allowed me to then move up the teams a lot quicker which gave me more opportunities to train and play in games.
To join the first string team of whichever University I go to.
My training program involves me going to the gym four to five times a week and doing volleyball training three times a week with matches on Saturday and Sunday.
Good natural athletic ability, good communication, being able to grow and adapt quickly, listen and take on board feedback well.
As many as I possibly can especially when the beach season starts for summer. I will be entering every tournament I can to help me improve and hopefully get in the podium for a couple of the tournaments.
For example, if I get injured even though I want to play a lot I resist and rest because playing on a injury will just only make it worse and take longer to recover.
Kobe Bryant.
Going to Greece to play for Scotland in the u20 European championships.
Seeing my progress really fires me up to keep training and doing the best I can so I can keep seeing myself improve and progress.
In every sport there will always be hurdles to get over but the most important thing is to always overcome them and don’t give up when the going gets hard.
It will allow me to use more of my free time to practice and hone my skills. It will also help me develop more as a player and help me achieve my full potential.