Register for our booking system

How to Register at Home

How to Register at Home

How to Register at Home

How to Register at Home

How to Register at Home
How to Register at Home

Register at home for a free account

Follow our simple registration process to sign up with us. Once registered you will be able to log in to our booking system to book and pay for your chosen sessions. 

Step 1

To start the registration process follow the link to our online booking system:

New Customer Registration

screenshot showing where to select chosen facility

Step 2

Select your nearest facility and click 'Next'

Screenshot showing the fields to complete including name, email address and date of birth

Step 3

Complete the details required including name, email address and date of birth. Fill in the security numbers as they appear on the screen and click next.

Screenshot showing pay as you go option

Step 4

Select the 'pay as you go' options which will allow you to register for free and make bookings later on a 'pay as you go' basis. You can also use this section to sign up other people.

Screenshot showing address fields and privacy statement tick box

Step 5

Fill in your address and select how you wish us to communicate with you (if the post code field doesn't auto fill in your address please complete the address fields manually) Once you have read the terms and conditions select agree then click next.

Screenshot showing message 'registration complete'

Step 6

The online registration process is now complete and you will receive an email confirmation.

example email showing link to set pin

Step 7

Your email confirmation will contain information on setting a pin number. To do this simply follow the link in the notification.

screenshot showing were to set pin number

Step 8

The email link will take you to a new window where you will be able to set and confirm your chosen PIN number. Click save to finish.

For more help: Contact Us


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